Medicinal Mushrooms: Helpful or Trendy?
Medicinal mushrooms and other fungi have been used by humans as a culinary foods or folk medicine for over 2,000 years. The last decade has witnessed the overwhelming interest in the pharmaceutical potential of mushrooms. for their antibacterial, antiviral, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune modulating effects.
Now, in recent times with functional medicine and holistic nutrition going “somewhat” more into the mainstream, we’re seeing a massive interest in these marvellous superfoods. But, let’s take a closer look at some of these mushrooms before you go online shopping…
Can You Remember Your Last Fever?
Although in theory, having no fever may seem like a victory you simply miss out on the benefits that a natural fever response provides. If you are indeed lucky enough to develop a fever naturally every once in a while, then embrace it and allow your amazing immune system to do its job. But if you aren’t, don’t fret as there is a safe method utilised all over the world in famous cancer clinics to induce a fever. This therapy is called Hyperthermia. Let’s be entirely honest, it’s not the most pleasant treatment in comparison to many others, yet it carries the most impact.
The Issue With Chemotherapy…
The problem with chemotherapy is that it’s extremely toxic. Its primary goal is to obliterate cancer cells and while doing so it will also obliterate healthy cells. The drug was designed as a killing machine. If your body is able to survive, if the cancer is gone before you are, then it’s deemed a success. I say this harshly because it destroys your immune system leaving you weak, it damages your gut hindering absorption of nutrients, and causes nerve damages. Once the treatment is done, your sent on your merry way with the hope that the cancer doesn’t return.
Have You Been Diagnosed With Cancer?
Nothing strikes more fear into a person than sitting in front of your doctor and hearing the words “you have cancer”. All of a sudden, everything goes blank and your imminent mortality stares you in the face. Before you’re even able to absorb the shock and accept the diagnosis, you get shuffled into conventional “cancer therapies”.
This of course is the ultimate sales strategy. Using fear and time pressure to force you into the only solutions these clinics have to offer.
Micro & Nano-plastics: Exploring Its Impact On Your Health
The discovery of plastic created a revolution in the modern world several decades back. Plastic use is growing every year, with recent figures showing plastic production worldwide surpassing 368 million tons in 2019. Plastics are involved in almost every aspect of your daily life including technology, medicine, cosmetics, domestic appliances, food storage products and so much more. However, all these conveniences come with a huge cost in terms of your health. Most of the used plastics are thrown away after short use and end up in landfill, oceans / other waterways.
Cosmetic / Personal Care Ingredients You Should Avoid
A lot of individuals think that what we find on the shelves in shops or what we buy online (from a reputable company of course) is safe for our health. Add in a little marketing jargon like “all-natural” “organic” “botanical ingredients” and you miiight just take a second look. Cosmetic and personal care products are often laden with harmful chemicals that can affect our health in various ways. And even if we are conscious of it, it’s always important to remind ourselves of these.
MARCoNS: Chronic Nasal Infections And Mould
MARCoNS, (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) is a type of infective condition that affects nearly 80% of patients with chronic inflammatory conditions and mold toxicity.
These health issues usually cause patients to develop resistance to antibiotics as the bacteria tend to get protected by biofilm. Biofilm is a layer of mucus that not just protects these bacteria, but also allows them to enter our body making them difficult to be eradicated by our immune system.
What’s In Your Toilet?
The average adult eats around three to four meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack). Your body will absorb what it needs from those meals and then excrete the rest. And how we excrete is by daily bowel motions, yes popping! Stools are the waste products that are excreted from our body following the process of digestion. When your gut/digestive system is functioning normally, you can expect to have a bowel movement at least once a day, and up to three times in a day.
The colour, consistency, and appearance of stool change due to a variety of reasons. The change often reflects the normal or abnormal substances present in the stool and the abnormalities linked to the stomach and intestinal functions.
Herbal Antibiotics
The discovery of antibiotics was supposed to prevent infections and ultimately associated deaths. Unfortunately, millions of people infected with bacteria can’t actually be treated with antibiotics and thousands die from those very infections each year. The various bacteria strands behind these infections have mutated to become resistant to the dozens of antibiotics developed to fight against them.
Increased Blood Clotting
More recently, anti-microbials have been recognised as disease-causing agents which our bodies are exposed to on a regular basis. Anti-microbials can create a negative impact on your health by triggering inflammation, disrupting gut microbiome, weakening your immune function and worsening oxidative stress.
The recent ban on the use of anti-microbials like triclocarban (TCC) and triclosan (TCS) from personal care products was expected to bring about some improvement in the incidence of associated diseases.