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TRULY HEAL first and foremost offers EDUCATION. We believe that health can only be achieved by knowing what supports and what destroys our health. Education leads to an understanding of ourselves, an ability to change our behaviour and habits and can provide solutions which allows us to thrive and prosper.

Over the past 20 years we have studied with the best doctors and experts around the world to bring health education to you. The big difference is that we do not teach you disease-based medicine and treatments but rather help you find and remove the causes of disease. This process is far more effective, brings lasting results and leads to a recovery which has no re-occurrences.

Join the TRULY HEAL academy 

Functional Medicine is simple, yet super effective. In a short amount of time, you understand how your body works, what causes imbalances and how to address them. 

Everything you learn in this program is practical, easy to apply and will help your patients, family and loved ones for years to come.

This is the ultimate form of empowerment as you can use Functional Medicine for every health-related problem. Find and remove the cause.

  • What caused your disease?
  • What prevents your body from healing?
  • What suppresses your immune system?
  • What are you missing? (Deficiencies)
  • What do you have too much of? (Toxins)
  • What will help you heal more effectively?
At the Truly Heal Academy you can rely on the wisdom of 85 top leading experts from all around the world have added decades of insights to our course!

TREATMENTS you can do at HOME

To make your life easy and to help you understand what each of the below therapies do, we have created for each treatment a different training academy where you can find science, research, applications, protocols and best practices (You will have to create a free account for each of the academies).

In the list below we have outlined the main benefits each therapy offers and why you would choose one. 

In essence though all 3 of these therapies are used in combination in all of the most successful clinics with a compounding effect. See chart to the right. It’s not only one but the synergistic effect of them together that leads to the consistent good results these clinics have to offer. 

If you have plenty of money you could look for a clinic that offers the treatments and support. However, if you need to be careful with your expenses, then with appropriate education you can treat yourself at home and safe thousands in the process. Especially as many of these treatments need to be repeated for the rest of your life.


PEMF is like a charging station for your body. It recharges every cell in your body back to optimal function.

Cells which are damaged by inflammation, polluted by toxins, mutated and sick are destroyed by high intensity PEMF while cells which can still be rescued are re-differentiated back into a healthy state. In Europe they use high intensity PEMF as a cancer treatment, before IV treatments to increase absorption, after treatment to reduce inflammation and as a charging station for patients with low healing energy.

Your ATP (energy levels) and healing capacity is greatly enhanced by better oxygen utilisation and better performance of each cell. The added heavy metal detox effect makes this therapy a must for all those who have high heavy metal poisoning.

If financially possible this therapy is a blessing for patients who are exhausted by their disease. 

O3 Academy


Ozone has many helpful attributes for every chronic degenerative disease and cannot be missed. Especially if your health history includes repeated antibiotic treatments, infections, co-infections, parasites, candida, leaky gut, sexually transmitted diseases, regular rashes and swollen lymph nodes.  – you name it!

All crucial biological functions that ozone triggers show enhanced performance. You increase antioxidant production, reduce inflammation, increase blood oxygen saturation and oxygen delivery to every organ. You up regulate your self healing capabilities and increase tissue repair manyfold. 

Ozone is highly valued for  improving energy levels, supporting detox especially petrochemicals and chemical toxins and most significantly it’s powerful antimicrobial effects (anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal).

Ozone can not be missed if infections are part of your disease history. 

Hyperthermia therapy at trulyheal


Fever therapy has been around for centuries and was even considered one of the main ways to cure disease by the ancient Greeks. We are now learning that targeted heat therapy, like hyperthermia, can effectively manage diseases like cancer, Lyme disease and many other infectious diseases by stimulating the body’s ability to fight and recuperate.

Hyperthermia means “fever therapy.” This treatment uses different temperatures of heat to manage cancer recovery better. Very high fever temperatures can kills cancer cells, while lower fever temperatures improves radiation and chemotherapy treatments’ effectiveness. It is commonly used to treat recurring cancers in the breast, cervix, head, neck, melanoma, and other cancers by increasing white blood cell count.

It is the strongest immune support and anti-inflammatory boost.


TRULY HEAL from Cancer is the most comprehensive and conclusive documentary about cancer and holistic cancer treatments.

You will learn from world leading experts everything that can help determine the underlying causes of disease and how to create the ultimate healing environment for your body.

This documentary will empower you to take charge of your own health and consequently enhance the quality of your life.

Will open in a new window so you can afterwards continue on this page. 



Understanding Colon Cancer

Let’s dive into the world of colon cancer—a significant health concern that affects countless lives. Colon cancer ranks as the third most common cancer-related cause of death in the United States. Colon cancer takes root in the large intestine affects 1 in 23 men and 1 in 25 women at some point in their life. In this article, we’ll learn about colon cancer, explore its signs and symptoms, delve into its root causes, understand treatment options, and arm you with natural strategies to support your well-being.

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Phytonutrients: Exploring the Benefits

As we learn more about the importance of a healthy diet, the term “phytonutrients” has become increasingly popular. But what exactly are phytonutrients? Why are they important for our health, and where can we find them? In this article, we’ll explore the world of phytonutrients, their benefits, and how you can incorporate them into your diet.

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PEMF Therapy & Stroke

A stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is disrupted. The brain needs a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients, which are carried to it by blood vessels. When blood flow to the brain is interrupted, brain cells can start to die within minutes. This can cause permanent brain damage or even death. The symptoms of a stroke can vary depending on which part of the brain is affected.

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Myocarditis & Pericarditis

Myocarditis and pericarditis are two types of heart inflammation and damage to the heart muscles. These two conditions can lead to some serious and unwanted consequences. In this blog, we will explore the differences between myocarditis and pericarditis, their symptoms, causes and various treatment options. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium), while pericarditis is an inflammation of the lining that surrounds the heart (pericardium). Both conditions can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, and other symptoms related to heart function.

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Functional Approach to Athletes Foot

Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is caused by a fungus. It is caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes, which thrive in warm, moist environments, such as sweaty shoes or locker room floors.
The infection often strikes in “athletes”, who tend to have sweaty feet stuck in tight-fitting shoes for long periods of time. However, the rash can affect non-athletes just as commonly – especially if you wear shoes all day and sweat. Athletes foot can also be spread from person-to-person via unwashed clothes, shared towels, and even contaminated floors.

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Eating 30 Plants Every Week For Gut Health

That’s 30 different types of plants across all 6 plant food groups: fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes (beans & pulses), nuts & seeds, herbs & spices. Plant-based foods play a key role in improving gut health by contributing to the diversity of the gut microbiome.
The more diverse, whole plant-based foods you eat, the more you’re likely to boost the diversity of the trillions of gut microbes you have.

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What To Do About Big Chemical / Toxic Spills

Accidents such as the Ohio train derailment are happening more often than you think. Data collected by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and by non-profit groups that track chemical accidents in the US shows that accidental releases of toxic materials are happening consistently around the US. Accidents can be via train derailments, truck crashes, industrial spills or plant leaks, pipeline ruptures etc.

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Post Viral Syndrome: What To Do?

Getting sick with a virus, feeling unwell and then bouncing back to full health is what we would all wish for. Unfortunately, getting sick and “not” recovering fully is a reality we are facing more and more. Coming down with a viral infection whether it’s for a couple days or even weeks you usually recover without any lasting consequences. However, post viral syndrome is when you suffer with symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, muscle pains, sleep issues, brain fog, dizziness etc. that lasts for weeks, months or even years after the infection.

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Reducing EMF Exposure & Why You Should?

Exposure to EMF can result in serious adverse effects on your health. It can cause damage to the vital organs at the cellular level and put you at risk of several chronic diseases including cancer, autoimmune disorders, and inflammatory disorders.
Therefore, there is a need to protect yourself against EMF radiation. Let’s dive into what EMFs mean, how they impact your health and what you can do to reduce your EMF exposure.

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Maintaining Health During The Holiday Season

What time of the year do you generally get extra bloated, feel unproductive, gain weight and completely forget about all your health habits? Well, it’s usually the holidays. After all, it’s a time of celebration with family and friends.
Holidays are usually heavily focused on eating foods (as well as what your drinking). Unfortunately, it’s often the kind of food that makes you gain weight, elevates your sugar levels, and increases inflammation. Which is why there is a need to be cautious and follow some easy tips to ensure you don’t sway too far from your health goals.

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Medicinal Mushrooms: Helpful or Trendy?

Medicinal mushrooms and other fungi have been used by humans as a culinary foods or folk medicine for over 2,000 years. The last decade has witnessed the overwhelming interest in the pharmaceutical potential of mushrooms. for their antibacterial, antiviral, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune modulating effects.
Now, in recent times with functional medicine and holistic nutrition going “somewhat” more into the mainstream, we’re seeing a massive interest in these marvellous superfoods. But, let’s take a closer look at some of these mushrooms before you go online shopping…

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Can You Remember Your Last Fever?

Although in theory, having no fever may seem like a victory you simply miss out on the benefits that a natural fever response provides. If you are indeed lucky enough to develop a fever naturally every once in a while, then embrace it and allow your amazing immune system to do its job. But if you aren’t, don’t fret as there is a safe method utilised all over the world in famous cancer clinics to induce a fever. This therapy is called Hyperthermia. Let’s be entirely honest, it’s not the most pleasant treatment in comparison to many others, yet it carries the most impact.

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The Issue With Chemotherapy…

The problem with chemotherapy is that it’s extremely toxic. Its primary goal is to obliterate cancer cells and while doing so it will also obliterate healthy cells. The drug was designed as a killing machine. If your body is able to survive, if the cancer is gone before you are, then it’s deemed a success. I say this harshly because it destroys your immune system leaving you weak, it damages your gut hindering absorption of nutrients, and causes nerve damages. Once the treatment is done, your sent on your merry way with the hope that the cancer doesn’t return.

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Have You Been Diagnosed With Cancer?

Nothing strikes more fear into a person than sitting in front of your doctor and hearing the words “you have cancer”. All of a sudden, everything goes blank and your imminent mortality stares you in the face. Before you’re even able to absorb the shock and accept the diagnosis, you get shuffled into conventional “cancer therapies”.
This of course is the ultimate sales strategy. Using fear and time pressure to force you into the only solutions these clinics have to offer.

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Micro & Nano-plastics: Exploring Its Impact On Your Health

The discovery of plastic created a revolution in the modern world several decades back. Plastic use is growing every year, with recent figures showing plastic production worldwide surpassing 368 million tons in 2019. Plastics are involved in almost every aspect of your daily life including technology, medicine, cosmetics, domestic appliances, food storage products and so much more. However, all these conveniences come with a huge cost in terms of your health. Most of the used plastics are thrown away after short use and end up in landfill, oceans / other waterways.

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Cosmetic / Personal Care Ingredients You Should Avoid

A lot of individuals think that what we find on the shelves in shops or what we buy online (from a reputable company of course) is safe for our health. Add in a little marketing jargon like “all-natural” “organic” “botanical ingredients” and you miiight just take a second look. Cosmetic and personal care products are often laden with harmful chemicals that can affect our health in various ways. And even if we are conscious of it, it’s always important to remind ourselves of these.

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MARCoNS: Chronic Nasal Infections And Mould

MARCoNS, (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) is a type of infective condition that affects nearly 80% of patients with chronic inflammatory conditions and mold toxicity.
These health issues usually cause patients to develop resistance to antibiotics as the bacteria tend to get protected by biofilm. Biofilm is a layer of mucus that not just protects these bacteria, but also allows them to enter our body making them difficult to be eradicated by our immune system.

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What’s In Your Toilet?

The average adult eats around three to four meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack). Your body will absorb what it needs from those meals and then excrete the rest. And how we excrete is by daily bowel motions, yes popping! Stools are the waste products that are excreted from our body following the process of digestion. When your gut/digestive system is functioning normally, you can expect to have a bowel movement at least once a day, and up to three times in a day.
The colour, consistency, and appearance of stool change due to a variety of reasons. The change often reflects the normal or abnormal substances present in the stool and the abnormalities linked to the stomach and intestinal functions.

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Herbal Antibiotics

The discovery of antibiotics was supposed to prevent infections and ultimately associated deaths. Unfortunately, millions of people infected with bacteria can’t actually be treated with antibiotics and thousands die from those very infections each year. The various bacteria strands behind these infections have mutated to become resistant to the dozens of antibiotics developed to fight against them.

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Increased Blood Clotting

More recently, anti-microbials have been recognised as disease-causing agents which our bodies are exposed to on a regular basis. Anti-microbials can create a negative impact on your health by triggering inflammation, disrupting gut microbiome, weakening your immune function and worsening oxidative stress.
The recent ban on the use of anti-microbials like triclocarban (TCC) and triclosan (TCS) from personal care products was expected to bring about some improvement in the incidence of associated diseases.

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How toxic are antimicrobials?

More recently, anti-microbials have been recognised as disease-causing agents which our bodies are exposed to on a regular basis. Anti-microbials can create a negative impact on your health by triggering inflammation, disrupting gut microbiome, weakening your immune function and worsening oxidative stress.
The recent ban on the use of anti-microbials like triclocarban (TCC) and triclosan (TCS) from personal care products was expected to bring about some improvement in the incidence of associated diseases.

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The functional overview of ADHD

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a behavioural and learning disorder. ADHD is known to impair the routine activities of the affected children and adults. Here is a brief discussion about the functional overview of ADHD aimed at understanding how it develops.
Typically, children and adults with ADHD are treated with medications that target the neurotransmitters in the brain. Ritalin and Adderall are the most commonly used drugs for the management of ADHD. These medications basically help by suppressing the symptoms of ADHD without effectively addressing the root cause of the illness.

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Do you have shingles?

Oh. No. SHINGLES! Individuals who have experienced shingles know how incredibly painful this condition can be. The common symptoms of this condition such as rashes, nerve pain, and hives can interfere with the routine activities of patients preventing them from living life normally.
Therefore, there is a need to understand the root cause of this condition and seek a functional medicine approach to relieve the symptoms and speed up recovery.

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Have you been told to avoid dairy?

We’ve all heard it at some point in our lives, “You should cut out dairy.” The question is why? Why do most functional medicine practitioners recommend a “no” dairy diet?
Isn’t dairy good for you?
I’m guessing you remember the days where the headlines plastered everywhere saying that adults should drink at least 3 cups of milk daily to get enough calcium (+ other nutrients) to protect our bones and overall health? It’s an approved nutritional guide after all… Let’s find out.

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Alcohol and your health

We all love to occasionally have a glass of wine, beer, cider or cocktail. Although, if you’re a health-conscious individual I guess you’ve wondered what type of impact drinking alcohol has to your overall health. So how much alcohol is too much, how does alcohol affect my system and what are the healthiest alcohol drinks to enjoy? Let’s dive into these questions!

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The role of PEMF in the management of joint pain

Have you noticed that opening a jar has become increasingly difficult because of pain in your hands, or climbing stairs or walking longer distances results in painful knees? The most common thought which comes to mind is “arthritis”. The two most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis which can both cause similar pains and aches throughout the body.

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Stress Resilience Tips

Stress is an integral part of our life and everyone experiences stress from time to time. It can create an adverse impact on your physical, mental and spiritual health, and affect your personal relationships, career, and social life.
Improving your stress resilience could play a critical role in reducing the impact of stress on your health.

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The Root Cause Of Cancer

Worldwide, an estimated 19.3 million new cancer cases and almost 10.0 million cancer deaths occurred in 2020. These percentages simply keep going up! The global cancer burden is expected to be 28.4 million cases in 2040, a 47% rise from 2020. I don’t know about you… but these numbers and ever increasing percentages are something that can’t be ignored. The more disease goes rampant the more vigilant we should be with our prevention measures.

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Are You Supplementing Collagen?

You’ve likely seen the ads and heard people talking about collagen. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the top trending ingredients these days. It’s everywhere – on your Instagram newsfeed, inbox, sponsored advertisements… But what’s the buzz all about? Collagen is often promoted as a gut healing supplement, and I have to admit– it’s done wonders for me and my family! We’ve been trying different collagen products for about 2 years, and found many big differences.

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Are You Deficient In Vitamin D?

Vitamin D deficiency is a global public health issue. It is estimated that nearly 3 billion people suffer from vitamin D deficiency across the world, while 50% of the population has vitamin D insufficiency. Around 75-80% of Americans are deficient in this important vitamin! With the discovery of vitamin D receptors in tissues other than the gut and bone—especially the brain, breast, prostate, and lymphocytes—and the recent research suggesting that higher vitamin D levels provide protection from various diseases.

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Are Humans Electromagnetic Beings?

The concept of humans being electromagnetic has gained prominence in the last few decades. And this concept has given rise to a number of treatments and diagnostic procedures that can bring about remarkable innovation in the field of medicine.
Let us learn what it means to be electromagnetic for humans and how PEMF therapy can use the electromagnetic nature of our body to restore health.

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Dandruff: Understanding The Cause & Solution

Dandruff is one of the most common complaints related to hair care. It is also a very common cause of hair loss.
There are a large number of anti-dandruff shampoos available in the market that claim to reduce dandruff. However, these shampoos only provide temporary relief without providing lasting solutions.
Hence, there is a need to assess the root cause of dandruff and correct the underlying issues in order to derive long-lasting results.

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The Impact Of Oxygen Deprivation On Health

Oxygen fuels our cells and helps provides the basic building blocks that our bodies need to survive. Oxygen is so important that it leads to our death if we are deprived of it even for a short period of time. Most chronic ailments including diabetes, hypertension, Parkinson’s, and cancer are linked to inflammation that occurs in the vital organs of the body such as the liver, pancreas, brain, and heart. However, not many people know that before chronic inflammation sets in, the tissues could have been subjected to oxygen deprivation.

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What Is ‘Common’ And What is ‘Normal’?

There are several diseases and symptoms that we tend to ignore just because they are ‘common’. For example; most people think acne is common just because nearly all adolescents get acne breakouts.
Similarly, today, several other conditions like infertility, diabetes, menstrual problems have become common. However, just because an increasing number of people are getting affected by these disorders, it does not mean it is normal to have these health issues.

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The Impact Of Oral Galvanism

Oral galvanism can result in some serious long-term complications. The impact of oral galvanism on our health may span from recurring headaches to widespread inflammation and cancers. Most people are not aware of these effects of oral galvanism until they develop serious health issues. Therefore, there is a need to understand what oral galvanism means, why it occurs, and what the best ways to avoid it are.

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Overactive Bladder: A Functional Approach

Have your bathroom habits felt more urgent lately? Do you worry about finding a restroom in time? Do you feel like your bladder is out of control? There can be many factors that affect urination on a day to day basis, but if your sudden urges have become a regular occurrence, it may be time to consider overactive bladder.

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Functional Medicine Approach To The Management Of Fibromyalgia

If blemishes and acne are stressing you out, you’re in the right place.
Acne is no doubt a frustrating problem, whether you’re in your teens, twenties, or beyond! On a positive note: it’s a changeable condition! On a less positive note: it is complex and often considered difficult to treat. It robs us of our confidence and makes us want to hide our beautiful faces.
As frustrating as it is, acne is not something to fight but to heal. It is your body’s way of alerting you to imbalances within the body that need care and attention.

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Acne: What You Need to Know

If blemishes and acne are stressing you out, you’re in the right place.
Acne is no doubt a frustrating problem, whether you’re in your teens, twenties, or beyond! On a positive note: it’s a changeable condition! On a less positive note: it is complex and often considered difficult to treat. It robs us of our confidence and makes us want to hide our beautiful faces.
As frustrating as it is, acne is not something to fight but to heal. It is your body’s way of alerting you to imbalances within the body that need care and attention.

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Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer ~ A Therapy Which Does Wonders​

DI assume you’ve already heard about nasal application of Red Light or Near Infrared light. The 655 nanometer Red Laser makes your nose glow red at night. Hence the name. The 810 nanometer Near Infrared Light does not have a visible light but therefore penetrates deep into your brain. We will discuss the differences below.
Both treatments improve your immune function, energy, sleep, mental function, relieve depression and reduce headaches.
You can use these non-invasive therapies whether you’re relaxing at home, cooking in the kitchen or literally on the go.

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How Does Your Body Work?

Did you know that no organ in your body exists in isolation? Everything is connected. Your thyroid, your bones, your gums, your gut…every part of you makes up the bigger picture.
If you want to heal from the root, you have to understand how your body really works. That’s why everything we teach at Truly Heal is based on how the body’s many systems work together.
When you understand how every organ has its role, and how each part of the body impacts the others, you can finally understand what causes imbalances and illness. You can remove the root causes of disease, regain balance, and live a truly healthy life!

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Do You Suffer From Candida?

The overgrowth of Candida in the gut can lead to serious consequences as these fungi have the ability to burrow holes in the walls of the intestine and enter the bloodstream causing widespread damage. This can allow the yeast to grow, proliferate, and dominate some parts of the body.
Thus, appropriate lifestyle measures must be adopted to heal Candida infection and restore balance in the body’s internal ecosystem…

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What Are The Causes Of Infertility In Men And Women?

Many couples eagerly look forward to the day when they can welcome a new baby to their family. Unfortunately, putting a “bun in the oven” is becoming more and more difficult for couples around the world.
Over the past several decades, infertility rates have risen as reproductive health issues become more common. In fact, it is estimated that at least 10% of women struggle to get or stay pregnant.
Why are modern couples struggling to grow their families?

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Surgery, Wound Healing & Nutrition

Nutrition is one of the most critical factors that play a role in the recovery of patients following surgeries, especially those performed for the management of cancer. The process of wound healing after surgery and the faster recovery from cancer is dependent on the amount of vital nutrients that the body receives.

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Dr. Rau – MCS – Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome

Unclear and Non-Definable Diseases (often called « NDD ») tremendously increase in frequency, nearly worldwide. Many ailments are non-definable, therefore these health problems are not recognized by orthodox medicine. But still, they are serious diseases, examples are:

“Irritable bowel syndrome”
“autonomic dysfunction syndrome”
“Infection susceptibility syndrome”
Chronic fatigue syndrome
MCS (= Multiple Chemical Sensitivity syndrome”)
“Leaky gut syndrome”
Fibromyalgia syndrome – and many others.
Mast cell activation syndrome / Histamin sensitivity
EMF sensitivity syndrome (oversensitivity to electromagnetic exposures – very often in combination with MCS!

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Journaling: A Self-Care Habit for Mind and Body

Why journal? Why not?!
Journaling is a simple, budget-friendly, and effective way to improve your health – mind, body, and spirit. It helps you understand yourself better and serves as an intriguing record of your life as the years go on.
Yet, some people put off starting a journaling habit because they simply don’t know what to write about! Or, perhaps they think that they don’t have anything important to say, or they don’t think they are good at writing. Nothing could be further from the truth!
In reality, journaling is a self-care hobby that anyone can do. It’s simple, straightforward, adaptable, and rewarding. Not to mention, it improves your mental and physical health immensely!

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TRULY HEAL is an independent family enterprise dedicated to creating a healthier future. We teach patients, practitioners, and coaches how to find and cure the true causes of disease so they can live life to the fullest.
Each of us at TRULY HEAL has a unique and extensive background in holistic medicine. And, as you’ll see, we’ve all had our fair share of motivating challenges, health struggles, and wellness victories that have inspired us to help people like you.
Ready to meet the TRULY HEAL team who will be leading you to a healthier future? Let’s go.

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The Importance of B Vitamins

B vitamins form a major group of nutrients that your body needs to perform various functions. These nutrients play a critical role in maintaining metabolic and physiological functions and also help to strengthen the body’s structural integrity.
The deficiency of B vitamins can result in a number of symptoms related to the functioning of different organs and systems. So, if you’re suffering from depression, anxiety, memory problems, weakness, fatigue, concentration issues, skin complaints or other chronic symptoms then B vitamins might be playing a role.

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What are the Most Common Root Causes of Eczema?

Skin conditions are a common issue affecting millions of people worldwide. Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis is known to cause recurring symptoms like dry skin, itching, redness, and rashes. The treatment of eczema is often aimed at relieving these symptoms. However, since it is a chronic condition, there is a need to identify its root causes and eliminate them in order to derive long-term relief. Here is a brief discussion about what eczema is and the common underlying factors responsible for it.

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Why is Diet So Individual?

This is a question I hear on the daily, “What diet do you recommend?”
Do you find yourself jumping on the latest diet bandwagon, just to end up disappointed when it doesn’t work miracles for you? Or maybe you’re so overwhelmed by the endless diet trends that you haven’t been able to stick to anything for long.
We’re all human, shouldn’t we all thrive on the same diet? While fueling our bodies seems like it should be simple, that’s not the case. In fact, what’s considered “healthy food” is not always “healthy” for everyone.

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Identifying The Root Causes of Mood Disorders & Depression

Depression is a common illness worldwide, with more than 264 million people affected. In 2020 and now 2021, as we deal with the pandemic, racial injustice, loss of income, heightened stress levels and uncertainty, those numbers just keep going up. According to a study from September 2020, the prevalence of depression symptoms in the US was more than 3-fold higher during the pandemic compared to prior COVID. Specifically, individuals with lower social resources, lower economic resources (lockdowns), and greater exposure to stressors reported a greater burden of depression symptoms.

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