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Why Do Humans Crave A Quick Fix?

Written by

Deborah Freudenmann BHSc

A quick fix is something that we all crave… whether it’s getting rid of your cold, or losing weight, or treating any chronic disease. We are always looking for a quick fix that will address the problem immediately without the need for us to put in much time or effort.

Sound familiar?

Question is… do these “quick fixes” actually get you long-term results? Are they sustainable?

The problem with a quick fix

Humans crave instant gratification; it gives us the illusion that we can achieve greater fulfilment and life satisfaction without much effort. Simply put, we just really don’t want to put in any hard work that is needed to overcome our problems, especially when it comes to health issues such as chronic disease.

Historically, the world was a much slower place. Nowadays, most people don’t need to wait for things, and thus learning the art of patience has become a necessity. Great things take time!

You can blame this fast paced, quick fix tendency on the technology that has lured us into a lifestyle that provides us with an instant gratification. We have come to expect faster results for every problem that we face without realizing that the expectation of instant gratification frequently leads to frustration and disappointment.

We live in a world obsessed with keeping up – putting us all under considerable amounts of stress, constant high- pressure situations, and very little down time.

This is seen in more ways than one. However, when it comes to our health, instant gratification can have devastating outcomes.

The answer to those questions is likely, more often than we’d care to admit.

When it comes to our health, and specifically when we are dealing with a chronic disease, our desire to get instant results is what attracts us to these band aid approaches. Yet, these quick fix options don’t eliminate the problem and instead we are left disappointed when the problem comes running back. 

So why do we keep reaching for them?

The feeling of instant gratification is fleeting but incredibly powerful and extremely addictive. The dopamine rush, which is addictive makes you unable to resist the desire to experience pleasure or fulfilment without delay. Instead, you are focused on short term highs rather than building long term satisfaction.

You might be wondering how this might correlate to your health?

When an individual is dealing with chronic disease, addressing those health ‘concerns’ involves changing our thinking, beliefs, and habits that have cemented themselves over the years.

We live in a culture that chases the beauty of life, the light, the magic, all the while, turning away and ignoring that there is also darkness, pain, hardship and heart-breaking parts of life.

Let me guess, you probably thought, isn’t this good? Isn’t this what life is all about? Why would we want to face darkness? Why do we want to feel pain?

I mean after all; the American culture is built up and guided by the principle of “the pursuit of happiness”. You must wear a happy face, be smiling each and every day as you venture into this world. It’s taught early in life, that if you are feeling any emotion other than happiness or joy but a more melancholic temperament than there must be something wrong with you.

You learn to hide certain parts of your life – the dark parts, the messiness, the unravelled parts, the chaotic parts, the loud parts, anything that isn’t accepted by society. When it comes to health, we all want to portray to the world that we are healthy, fit, young, vibrant. So, naturally when we have a disease or a symptom… we must solve this as quickly as possible. We reach for that “quick fix” so that we can keep living in the illusionary world of no pain, no darkness, no problems… Unfortunately, this is ineffective.

Instead of orienting towards happiness instead we should be heading toward meaning, fulfilment and wholeness.

Remember that to be human is to evolve, learn and grow. When we accept the fact that anxiety, depression, loneliness, powerlessness, grief, joy and exhilaration are all part of the design, we allow ourselves to step out into the rain and perhaps even dance a little.

To be human is to know that we are imperfect and whole: we will be hurt and will hurt; we will disappoint and we will feel disappointed; we will fall and we will get back up again. And all of it, is what we call the magic of LIFE.

Why would we resist growth and healing when they can only lead to positive change?

The answer is in the question: it’s the change itself that is terrifying. We all have a part of us that longs to remain in the realm of the familiar, safe and predictable and it’s this part that resists our attempts to grow.
There are other reasons why we resist growth. Growing means taking responsibility for ourselves in all ways.

There are so many ways that we can avoid pain and thus, responsibility. We tend to lean towards self-medicating with drugs and alcohol, we take prescription medication to sweep our issues under the rug. We avoid looking at ourselves, we don’t want to slow down, we want to keep up, keep going and whatever we do, we definitely don’t want to take responsibility.

I can’t tell you the solution, as this looks different to each and every human being. Our stories, our struggles, our magical moments are all individual and unique to us. However, if you’re suffering from a chronic disease or a condition, instead of running from the discomfort let’s lean into it, feel it. Let’s leave that quick fix on the shelf.

This is an opportuning to learn about yourselves, your disease, your health and yes, that also means implementing “change” to remove the underlying causes of disease. Is this step easy? No. Does it take time? Yes. Is it worth it? Heck yeah! Taking responsibility for your health and taking charge of your life is the most challenging, painful, rewarding and beautiful experiences.

Final thoughts 

So, with that, I conclude today’s article and I leave with one more question: Are you ready and willing to experience the messiness of being human?

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